Some SEO theory and DIY tricks

The idea of the blog is to talk about running a website yourself and optimizing it for search engines. I hope to make things clear but refrain from unnecessary simplifications so that the information doesn’t lose its practical sense. It’s not about promoting your website on social networks but about mutual understanding with search bots and ranking algorithms. Dedicated to all who:

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Website architecture: how semantics and cross-links shape it

Do you prefer flat or tiered architecture? Oh no, it’s not about slum cities; it’s about website structure and internal linking. We’ll consider what roles structural and contextual links play...

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Competitor’s brand query hijacking: learning from the reputable SEO pros

You will learn how to appropriate other people’s brands, begin to suspect competitors and nervously look around, expecting to see behind your back black-hat SEO...

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Will SEO bookmarklets work from "Favorites" in your mobile browser?

Isn’t it unfair that the bookmarklets from previous posts can only be used on PCs? But that’s not true! JavaScript bookmarks work on mobile too, yet it’s not that easy...

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Is it time to automate blogging? How AI generates SEO text, photos, and images

The theme for an essay is the war in Ukraine. Let’s see how different content genera­tors work. Some will just cope with the task, some will surprise us or even scare..

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Website SEO audit for free? Roll up your sleeves: we’ll do it in one evening!

Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not only about link building and keywords analysis. The main task of the optimizer is the health check-up of the website as a whole...

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Nobody can leave without a click, or How to get an effective snippet on SERP

Can we influence how users see our website on the Google results page? The search engine does not generate snippets in advance: they depend on a query and the user’s intent. However, there are ways to help Google serve our page as well as possible...

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Need some flavoring to spice up your text content? The custom icon font will work

How to convert colorful PNG to a lightweight SVG without any experience with vector graphics. How to create a web font or sprite from SVG icons, style them, and use to sharpen focus on your text content...

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What if link juice is leaking? Let’s dive into how links pass PageRank

Everybody wants to know how links distribute “juice” among webpages and what amount of it is usually dissipated. And while we endeavor to guess a proportion, the GoogleBot chuckles reading that “Every dofollow link passes X% of equity”...

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Ranking by Google in outline: what factors matter?

Unlike the situation in SEO ten years ago, black-hat magic now hardly works. Paid links won’t bring the page to the Top and could even hurt rankings. AI algorithms are more likely to choose high-grade resources, and Google’s patents confirm this trend...

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E-E-A-T concept, or What kind of sites Google doesn’t take seriously

Anyone who is stubbornly ignored by Google should ask themselves a series of questions. It’s better to answer honestly, having checked in advance what pages are winning on the SERP for target search queries...

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Website pagination checkup: taking care of users and search bots

Do you want to make it as easy to deepen into multi-page catalogs on your website? Check out the pagination implementation: just 5 steps to ensure the paginated pages are bot- and user-friendly...